Results for 'José Daniel Rodríguez Arrieta'

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  1.  15
    El discurso periodístico e inmigración. Recomendaciones para un abordaje en derechos humanos.José Daniel Rodríguez Arrieta - 2023 - UNIVERSITAS Revista de Filosofía Derecho y Política 42:23-46.
    El presente trabajo pretende aportar una serie de recomendaciones prácticas consonantes con el respeto de los derechos humanos para el trabajo periodístico al momento de abordar el fenómeno de la inmigración. Para ello se recogen aportes teóricos y conceptuales acerca del análisis de discurso, la teoría del framing y teoría de los derechos humanos, y con ello evidenciar la importancia que tienen los enfoques periodísticos al momento de exponer noticias relacionadas con el fenómeno de la inmigración.
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    Compensating atmospheric turbulence with CNNs for defocused pupil image wavefront sensors.Sergio Luis Suárez Gómez, Carlos González-Gutiérrez, Juan Díaz Suárez, Juan José Fernández Valdivia, José Manuel Rodríguez Ramos, Luis Fernando Rodríguez Ramos & Jesús Daniel Santos Rodríguez - 2021 - Logic Journal of the IGPL 29 (2):180-192.
    Adaptive optics are techniques used for processing the spatial resolution of astronomical images taken from large ground-based telescopes. In this work, computational results are presented for a modified curvature sensor, the tomographic pupil image wavefront sensor, which measures the turbulence of the atmosphere, expressed in terms of an expansion over Zernike polynomials. Convolutional neural networks are presented as an alternative to the TPI-WFS reconstruction. This technique is a machine learning model of the family of artificial neural networks, which are widely (...)
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    Of gods and men: The gift of bicameral mentality in Lake Atitlán's Mayan oral literature.José M. Franco Rodríguez & Daniel Montoya - forthcoming - Anthropology of Consciousness:e12236.
    This study investigates contemporary Mayan oral stories through the lens of Julian Jaynes's theory on the origin of consciousness, aiming to identify a potential connection between the literary elements of these narratives and traits of pre‐consciousness outlined by Jaynes. Jaynes's neuropsychological thesis argues that human consciousness emerged around 3000 years ago after a period of “bicameral mind,” characterized by auditory “hallucinations” that guided non‐habitual behavior. He claims that remnants of bicameral mentality linger to this day in all cultures. While his (...)
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    Estrategias para la implementación del DUA en matemáticas.Daniel José Rodríguez Luis & Jorge Roldán López - 2022 - Human Review. International Humanities Review / Revista Internacional de Humanidades 11 (1):1-11.
    En este trabajo, proporcionamos diversas estrategias para el fomento de la motivación y participación del alumnado en la creación de vídeos educativos sobre resolución de problemas de olimpiadas matemáticas, compartiendo sus propuestas en plataformas virtuales. Asimismo, presentamos metodologías que permiten el desarrollo de habilidades lingüísticas, de resolución de problemas y de iniciativa de los estudiantes mediante la creación de sus propios vídeos, así como un uso práctico de la plataforma para la disposición de múltiples formatos (audiovisual, textual, etc.) que (...)
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  5. Evaluation of the Emotional and Cognitive Regulation of Young People in a Lockdown Situation Due to the Covid-19 Pandemic.Manuel Fernández Cruz, José Álvarez Rodríguez, Inmaculada Ávalos Ruiz, Mercedes Cuevas López, Claudia de Barros Camargo, Francisco Díaz Rosas, Esther González Castellón, Daniel González González, Antonio Hernández Fernández, Pilar Ibáñez Cubillas & Emilio Jesús Lizarte Simón - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
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    Estrategias de ahorro de energía en Administraciones Municipales encaminadas a contribuir al Desarrollo Sustentable*(Strategies of energy saving in municipal administrations oriented to contribute with sustaining development).Martha Garza, Claudia Moreno, Ricardo Rodríguez, Daniel Zermeño & José Luis Abreu - 2009 - Daena 4 (2):243-277.
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    Manipulating the Alpha Level Cannot Cure Significance Testing.David Trafimow, Valentin Amrhein, Corson N. Areshenkoff, Carlos J. Barrera-Causil, Eric J. Beh, Yusuf K. Bilgiç, Roser Bono, Michael T. Bradley, William M. Briggs, Héctor A. Cepeda-Freyre, Sergio E. Chaigneau, Daniel R. Ciocca, Juan C. Correa, Denis Cousineau, Michiel R. de Boer, Subhra S. Dhar, Igor Dolgov, Juana Gómez-Benito, Marian Grendar, James W. Grice, Martin E. Guerrero-Gimenez, Andrés Gutiérrez, Tania B. Huedo-Medina, Klaus Jaffe, Armina Janyan, Ali Karimnezhad, Fränzi Korner-Nievergelt, Koji Kosugi, Martin Lachmair, Rubén D. Ledesma, Roberto Limongi, Marco T. Liuzza, Rosaria Lombardo, Michael J. Marks, Gunther Meinlschmidt, Ladislas Nalborczyk, Hung T. Nguyen, Raydonal Ospina, Jose D. Perezgonzalez, Roland Pfister, Juan J. Rahona, David A. Rodríguez-Medina, Xavier Romão, Susana Ruiz-Fernández, Isabel Suarez, Marion Tegethoff, Mauricio Tejo, Rens van de Schoot, Ivan I. Vankov, Santiago Velasco-Forero, Tonghui Wang, Yuki Yamada, Felipe C. M. Zoppino & Fernando Marmolejo-Ramos - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 9.
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    Character ethics and the Old Testament: moral dimensions of Scripture.R. Carroll, M. Daniel & Jacqueline E. Lapsley (eds.) - 2007 - Louisville, Ky.: Westminster John Knox Press.
    Throughout the Old Testament, the stories, laws, and songs not only teach a way of life that requires individuals to be moral, but they demonstrate how. In biblical studies, character ethics has been one of the fastest-growing areas of interest. Whereas ethics usually studies rules of behavior, character ethics focuses on how people are formed to be moral agents in the world. This book presents the most up-to-date academic work in Old Testament character ethics, covering topics throughout the Torah, the (...)
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  9. The Dao Against the Tyrant: The Limitation of Power in the Political Thought of Ancient China.Daniel Rodríguez Carreiro - 2013 - Libertarian Papers 5:111-152.
    In Chinese history the periods known as Spring and Autumn (770-476 BC) and the Warring States (475-221 BC) were times of conflict and political instability caused by the increasing power of centralized and competing states. During this time of crisis many schools of thought appeared to offer different philosophical doctrines. This paper describes and studies ideas about the limitation of power defended by these different schools of ancient Chinese thought, and suggests some reasons why they failed to prevent the emergence (...)
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  10. 5.Daniel Rodríguez Carreiro - unknown
    In Chinese history the periods known as Spring and Autumn (770-476 BC) and the Warring States (475-221 BC) were times of conflict and political instability ca..
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  11.  6
    Study of infostealers using Graph Neural Networks.Álvaro Bustos-Tabernero, Daniel López-Sánchez, Angélica González-Arrieta & Paulo Novais - forthcoming - Logic Journal of the IGPL.
    Cybersecurity technology has the ability to detect malware through a variety of methods, such as signature recognition, logical rules or the identification of known malware stored in a database or public source. However, threat actors continuously try to create new variants of existing malware by obfuscating or altering parts of the code to evade detection by antivirus engines. Infostealers are one of the most common malicious programs aimed at obtaining personal or banking information from an infected system and exfiltrating it. (...)
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    Practical Values and Uncertainty in Regulatory Decision‐making.José Luis Luján, Javier Rodríguez Alcázar & Oliver Todt - 2010 - Social Epistemology 24 (4):349-362.
    Regulatory science, which generates knowledge relevant for regulatory decision?making, is different from standard academic science in that it is oriented mainly towards the attainment of non?epistemic (practical) aims. The role of uncertainty and the limits to the relevance of academic science are being recognized more and more explicitly in regulatory decision?making. This has led to the introduction of regulation?specific scientific methodologies in order to generate decision?relevant data. However, recent practical experience with such non?standard methodologies indicates that they, too, may be (...)
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  13.  22
    Predicting Mathematics Achievement in Secondary Education: The Role of Cognitive, Motivational, and Emotional Variables.Amanda Abín, José Carlos Núñez, Celestino Rodríguez, Marisol Cueli, Trinidad García & Pedro Rosário - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
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  14.  10
    Heidegger’s Nietzsche: European Modernity and the Philosophy of the Future.José Daniel Parra - 2019 - Lanham: Lexington Books.
    This text explores Martin Heidegger’s thinking in response to Nietzsche’s philosophy: beginning with the problem of European nihilism, moving toward a period of transition situated in-between classical and post-Cartesian ontology.
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    De la “Cura amoris” en Pascal, un vistazo ético-antropológico a “Les Pensées”.José Daniel Gómez Serna & Conrado Giraldo Zuluaga - 2019 - Escritos 27 (59):198-121.
    The article suggests an ethical-anthropological reading of Thoughts, magna opera of the French mathematician and philosopher Blaise Pascal, which was published after his death by his relatives and friends. Such a reading is presented in three moments: Firstly, an anthropological description aimed at answering the question ‘who is man?’; secondly, an analysis of Pascal’s erotic condition; and, finally, an ethical proposal as cura amoris. The main argument of the article is that every human being has a motivation in acting, that (...)
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  16.  21
    Crisis y perspectivas de la eutopía.José Luis Rodríguez García - 2008 - Convivium: revista de filosofía 21:153-174.
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    Introduction: Literary into cultural translation.José María Rodríguez García - forthcoming - Diacritics.
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    Quid Sit Deus? Heidegger on Nietzsche and the Question of God.José Daniel Parra - 2024 - Philosophies 9 (3):66.
    This article develops a hermeneutic study of Heidegger’s text The Word of Nietzsche: “God is Dead”. We attempt to read Heidegger’s remarks in the context of the “period of transition” that, according to Nietzsche, is occurring in the history of western thought and culture. This essay unfolds in the following manner: beginning with Heidegger’s contention that Nietzsche’s philosophy is the “fulfilment” of Platonism, we go over the problem of nihilism in relation to the metaphysics of the will to power, which (...)
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  19.  4
    From Charles V to Philip IV of Spain: the concepts of Monarchia Universalis and Catholic Monarchy.José Martínez Millán & Manuel Rivero Rodríguez - forthcoming - History of European Ideas.
    This text discusses the European system in the modern age, describing the concept of ‘state’ as an object bounded by property rights and its owner’s jurisdiction. In order to maintain the state, it was necessary to keep the inhabitants in a state of submission, through either persuasion or force. State policy consisted in preserving the possessions of the state, improving and increasing it, combining statecraft with the subjects and concert with other state-holders. States were not autonomous units, but domains, and (...)
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  20. El caciquismo en la España reciente. El caso de Castilla y León.José Manuel Rodríguez Acevedo - 2009 - Aposta 43:2.
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  21.  19
    Comunidade e Comunicação: Um possível encontro entre Peirce e Spinoza.José Manuel Rodríguez Amieva - 2022 - Cadernos Espinosanos 47:113-143.
    Diante do significado de comunidade que a considera uma essência dada, massificada e homogênea, neste artigo buscamos reconstruir outra concepção de comunidade que a entende como uma produção recursiva por meio de um processo de comunicação em diferentes registros entre seus membros. Uma comunicação que, ao construir a composição humana, preserva a potência singular de cada corpo componente. Para tanto, recuperamos a noção espinosista da comunidade como um indivíduo composto pelo mecanismo de _imitatio affectuum_ e processos de acordo, consenso e (...)
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  22. Tipologías de programas de apoyo a la creación de spin-offs en las universidades: Reino Unido y España/Types of Support Programs for Creating Spin-offs in Universities: The United Kingdom and Spain.José María Beraza & Arturo Rodríguez - 2012 - Telos (Venezuela) 14 (1):31-55.
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    Hacia una filosofía de la experimentación.José Ferreirós Domínguez & Javier Ordóñez Rodríguez - 2002 - Theoria: Revista de Teoría, Historia y Fundamentos de la Ciencia 17 (2):209-219.
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  24.  10
    Claude Lefort: una propuesta contra la tentación totalitaria.José Luis Rodríguez García - 2012 - In Aragüés Estragués, Juan Manuel, López de Lizaga & José Luis (eds.), Perspectivas: una aproximación al pensamiento ético y político contemporáneo. Zaragoza: Prensas Universitarias de Zaragoza. pp. 187.
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  25.  28
    Diferencia e intersubjetividad (Deleuze, Derrida).José Luis Rodríguez García - 2005 - Convivium: revista de filosofía 18:217-238.
  26.  9
    Escritura, clase, sentido: para leer la edad clásica del saber moderno.José Luis Rodríguez García - 1979 - Zaragoza: Alcrudo Editor.
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  27. Desarrollo legislativo del Convenio de Oviedo sobre biomedicina en España: el testamento vital o documento de instrucciones previas.José Ignacio Rodríguez González - 2004 - Rivista Internazionale di Filosofia Del Diritto 3:427-464.
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  28. Antropología Histórica y Filosofía Política: (una conversación con Anthony Pagden).José María Hernández & Joaquín Rodríguez - 1993 - Revista Internacional de Filosofía Política 1:153-164.
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  29. Teoría de las catástrofes y ciencias sociales: una entrevista con René Thom.José Luis Rodríguez Illera & René Thom - 1981 - El Basilisco 13:70-73.
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  30. Cómo rentabilizar los sentimientos xenófobos.José Luis Rodríguez Jiménez - 2005 - Critica 55 (925):36-40.
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  31.  23
    Las novelas de Ángel García Ronda sobre el terrorismo de ETA.José Luis Rodríguez Jiménez - 2022 - Araucaria 24 (50).
    The article analyzes the four novels that Ángel García Ronda, politician and writer, has dedicated to ETA and to the situation experienced in the Basque Country as a result of terrorism. He is an important author for the knowledge of terrorism in literature, for the following reasons: his condition as born in San Sebastián in 1939, where he has lived all his life, the performance of positions in the Spanish Socialist Workers Party and in the Socialist Party from Euskadi, having (...)
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  32.  26
    Commonsense Morality Across Cultures: Notions of Fairness, Justice, Honor and Equity.José-Luis Rodriguez Lopez, Rom Harré & Norman J. Finkel - 2001 - Discourse Studies 3 (1):5-27.
    Two college-age samples, one from the United States and one from Spain, were studied with mixed methods, phenomenological and traditional experimental - regarding the alleged foundational topic of `unfairness'. Participants gave their instantiations of `It's not fair!', which were deconstructed and qualitatively analyzed to find and compare the essential types of unfairness. Using traditional experimental methods, unfairness vignettes were rated by severity and quantitatively analyzed, to see whether the two cultural groups make similar or different distinctions among the concepts of (...)
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  33. Analítica antropológico-existencial de los estados de ánimo.José Luis Rodríguez Molinero - 1991 - Naturaleza y Gracia 3:309-349.
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  34.  18
    Anticipación de la ontología de Ser y tiempo en los primeros escritos como docente de Martin Heidegger.José Luis Rodríguez Molinero - 1997 - Cuadernos Salmantinos de Filosofía 24:179-208.
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  35. El" modo de hallarse" en relación con la antropología filosófica en Heidegger.José Luis Rodríguez Molinero - 1991 - Naturaleza y Gracia 1:67-90.
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    La antropología de la corporalidad sexuada en Ludwig Feuerbach.José Luis Rodríguez Molinero - 1997 - Cuadernos Salmantinos de Filosofía 24:221-245.
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    (1 other version)Relevanica filosófica de la¿ exoneración¿(Entlastung) en la antropología de Arnold Gehlen.José Luis Rodríguez Molinero - 2005 - In Angel Alvarez Gómez (ed.), Paideia. Santiago de Compostela: Universidade de Santiago de Compostela, Servizo de Publicacións e Intercambio Científico. pp. 257-274.
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    Sobre el modo de ser de la antropología filosófica y su sistematización como una "cuestión abierta".José Luis Rodríguez Molinero - 1990 - Cuadernos Salmantinos de Filosofía 17:393-404.
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  39.  39
    Medición de temperatura: Sensores termoeléctricos.José William Montes Ocampo, Alzate Rodríguez, Edwin Jhovany & Carlos Armando Silva Ortega - forthcoming - Scientia.
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  40.  13
    La aportación del Derecho y de las tradiciones jurídicas europeas a la construcción de la idea de Europa.José Manuel Rodríguez Muñoz - 2012 - Aletheia: Cuadernos Críticos Del Derecho 2:1 - 24.
    Hoy más que nunca, inmersa Europa en una preocupante crisis que cuestiona su propio devenir, conviene reflexionar sobre lo que mantiene unido a los Estamos miembros de la Unión Europea como proyecto político. Sostenemos que, en ausencia de una lengua, religión u otras señales identitarias, Europa es ante todo una Comunidad de Derecho. Reivindicamos en este trabajo, a través de un discurso diacrónico, el papel de primera línea que han jugado el Derecho y las tradiciones jurídicas europeas como amalgama de (...)
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  41. Cómo anunciar hoy a Jesús: (¿Buenos publicistas o testigos creíbles?).José María Rodríguez Olaizola - 2006 - Critica 56 (935):49-54.
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  42.  13
    De la propiedad derecho natural individual a la propiedad derecho humano y social.José María Rodríguez Paniagua - 2022 - Anales de la Cátedra Francisco Suárez 12 (2):325-328.
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    Doctrinas sobre la tolerancia religiosa a fines del siglo XVII y la distinción entre moral y derecho a principios del XVIII.José María Rodríguez Paniagua - 2020 - Anales de la Cátedra Francisco Suárez 28:331-352.
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  44. Sentido y función de la filosofía del derecho en la actualidad.José María Rodríguez Paniagua - 1975 - Anales de la Cátedra Francisco Suárez 15:399-407.
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  45. La influencia del idealismo trascendental en la constitución de la Etología.José Manuel Rodríguez Pardo - 2004 - El Basilisco 35:51-56.
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  46. Las relaciones España-Europa en la Junta General del Principado de Asturias y la Guerra de Independencia de España.José Manuel Rodríguez Pardo - 2005 - El Basilisco 36:73-78.
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  47. Todos contra todos: crónica del XXXVIII Congreso de Filósofos Jóvenes.José Manuel Rodríguez Pardo - 2001 - El Basilisco 30:91-98.
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    Estrés minoritario LGBT+ sin hogar.José Gabriel Rodríguez Pérez - 2023 - Human Review. International Humanities Review / Revista Internacional de Humanidades 16 (6):1-14.
    Introducción: Los jóvenes LGBT+ corren un riesgo elevado de sinhogarismo, además de padecer estrés de las minorías sexuales. Objetivo: conocer la percepción del estrés en minorías LGTB+ sin hogar en su riesgo de exclusión social. Metodología: modelo de regresión lineal de probabilidad para determinar los efectos marginales de los ítems con la probabilidad de riesgo de exclusión social. Se evalúa la significación de los efectos parciales y la fiabilidad del grado de clasificación a partir del modelo. Resultados: diferentes tipos de (...)
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    La fenomenología trascendental y la crisis de la ciencia de la vida.José Luis Rodríguez Sández - 1974 - Anuario Filosófico 7 (1):310-368.
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    Notas sobre democracia y opinión pública.José Manuel Rodríguez Uribes - 2000 - Anales de la Cátedra Francisco Suárez 34:113-144.
    Este trabajo consiste en una aproximación a las razones de la democracia y al papel de la opinión pública en la misma. Contiene también un ensayo conceptual analítico que pretende dar cuenta suficientemente de los elementos definitorios de esos dos conceptos centrales del discurso político y jurídico. Democracia y opinión pública no son realidades identificables de manera indiscutible y no siempre cuando se habla de ellas se hace un uso homogéneo de los términos y de su sentido político. Este trabajo (...)
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